Staking for Partners

Incentivize your community by opening up a pool on Staking for Partners.

Incentivize liquidity providers by opening up a pool on Staking for Partners. This allows you to set a custom pool configuration:

  • Any deposit token (for example the LP token of your token)

  • Any reward token (for example your token)

  • Any reward amount (for example 10000 tokens)

  • Any time period of reward emissions ( for example 14 days) this can't be changed while in progress, once it's set it's set for the whole duration

As the protocol, we will charge a small fee on each pool, the fee will be negotiated before the deployment of the pool. We will select the top 3 projects that will have no fees on their pools based on:

If you're interested in setting up a pool on Staking for Partners please fill out the form here:

Last updated